Morning Pages: Navigating the In-Between Road
I just finished reading Marc Hamer’s luminous book Seed to Dust, published in Canada by the great folks at Greystone Books in Vancouver and printed by my favorite book printer, Friesens (shout out, as always, to our wonderful friend and rep there Donovan Bergman!)

I was telling a friend and client of mine this morning (a wise lady farmer), that I have not been able to stop thinking about the book since I finished it.
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Morning Pages: Alice in Wonderland
Remember when Alice went through the Looking Glass to Wonderland? This is how I feel when I’m doing internet research. I think the metaphor is apt…I’m looking to make meaning, to understand, and I look into the giant mirror, the screen that leads me into new worlds, and whose temptations are many, and whose answers only lead to more questions, and more, and more…
Read MoreWriting Sample: Warriors for Wheat – Chapter 2
Writing Sample: From the Rear View Mirror: The ASL Paving Story
Writing Sample: Birth of a Boom – Chapter 6
Morning Pages: Do-Ha
I broke my Starbucks Doha mug this morning. A stupid slip. I’ve noticed lately that I’ve become a bumbler, a fumbler, a last-minute grasper of things about to fall. I need to work on my grip strength, I suppose. Is that yet another in the litany of things that age strips away from us?
Read MoreMorning Pages: A Lost Lady
There’s something about writing the first things that come out of your head every morning with the first cup of coffee near at hand. My mind is clearest then, if I’ve had a decent sleep. No telling how long it will stay that way, unless I add an Adderall into the equation. Then I can usually count on a good five hours of mental clarity.
Read MoreSelf Care: 12 Ways To Be Nice to Your Future Self
For some reason, I always had trouble being nice to myself. I was my own worst critic, which I suppose was derived from a deep lack of self-worth, of never being enough. Once in codependent recovery, I learned my way out of that…mostly. But you’re never done, right? I still stumble on some of the deeper-set stones in my path. They don’t throw me off the path anymore, but I might still stub my toe, feel some sharp pain. Thankfully this is a program for life; and I just keep learning.
Read MoreDoes Developmental Editing Make Better Writers?
Developmental editing, according to Wikipedia, is a “form of writing support that comes into play before or during the production of a publishable manuscript, especially in the area of non-fiction writing.” As explained by Scott Norton in his book Developmental editing: a handbook for freelancers, authors, and publishers, developmental editing involves “significant structuring or restructuring of a manuscript’s discourse”.[1] Developmental editors are a type of language professional.
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