To date I’ve written five non-fiction books and have new projects in the works.
I love research, putting the pieces together, telling the stories of interesting people’s lives, and the impact of organizations, companies and movements.

Warriors for Wheat
Warriors for Wheat tells the story of the past 25 years of the 50-year history of the Western Canadian Wheat...

From the Rear View Mirror: The ASL...
Sixty-five years of history of this highly successful company and the lives of its founders and leaders is told through...

Birth of a Boom: Lives & Legacies...
Birth of a Boom is a colorful collection of 13 biographies of successful Saskatchewan entrepreneurs and the businesses that prospered...
Corporate Storybooks
I love writing about history, whether it’s woven into fiction, family histories or in the telling of stories of the people behind companies.
When I write these stories, I try to ensure that all the artifacts and media elements end up as collateral materials to produce related items, like book launch trailers.
Here’s one I love that we did for ASL Paving. It was so moving when the video played at the anniversary launch party. I looked around and saw many folks pulling out tissues and wiping their eyes. That warmed my heart.
If you, your family or your company are interested in celebrating your history, please be in touch.